Thursday, October 15, 2009

Art in my heart

Sverre Malling


Thomas Falstad


Øystein Dahlstrøm

Øystein Dahlstrøm


These are from "Høstutstillingen", the annual art exhibition in Oslo. I just love to see art.
It makes me calm, inspired and also a bit disturbed, all at once..
These were my most favourite pieces. Pretty random. There were lots of amazing art this year, but I really just felt know?
That's the kind of art that gives me the most, art that I can feel. I guess that's why I adore expressionism. There's a lot of modern art that I don't really understand, but smetimes you just get it right away.
Maye that's beacause you can relate to the piece on a personal level..



Loquemequedapordecirte said...

shocking art!
and lovely pictures on your last post

Hippie, hippie - milkshake said...

må ta meg en tur på høstutstillingen. foreldrene mine tok meg med på utstillinger siden jeg varliten- og har fått mye inspirasjon opp igjennom årene.. hvordan går det med di kunst om dagen da??
sv: ebay og våkenetter ja.. he he.. man blir fort hekta. Kanskje lurt jeg ikke startet før..

Tirill said...

Han Øystein Dahlstrøm så veldig spennende ut! Elsket det kliniske og rene ved bildene hans her.