Thursday, July 9, 2009

My style: Nothing more nothing less, only a dress.







When you don't need makeup, jewelry or even shoes. Just a bikini and a easy dress.
Don't you just love those days, when you don't have to use your head at all? When you can just relax and take it as it comes?
This was taken the last day before the sun went on holiday somewhere else.

Wearing my newest favourite buy, a vintage dress that was really cheap. Actually..I didn't even have a clear head when i bought this. It was one of those days when I was ill and had a major headache, but I had to go downtown. So I took a strong painkiller right before I went on the bus. 15 minutes later I was in the city center and the pill suddenly worked like it never has worked before.. Might sound fun, but it wasn't really. So in an attempt to get away from the crowd I stumbeled down the stairs to a vintage shop. They played this old 50's music and it was so lovely there I thought. Saw this pretty dress and brought it back home. The next day it all gave me a laugh, and as it turned out the dress that I probably wouldn't even have looked at on a sober day fit me perfectly. It reminds me of my grandma. It's soft and girly, and I really like it.

Believe it or not, but I never used to wear dresses. But this summer I've discovered my super girly side, and all I want to wear is cute little things.
I've said it before, summer changes us:)


FashionHippieLoves said...

lovely pics!!!


Anonymous said...

Woow! Is a super NICE DRESS!!! Lovely! I really like all these pictures!

The dog is adorable!!
Have a nice day.

ingrid said...

søt kjole, og hund!! :)

Idée Géniale said...

This is such a great find! it does remind me of something I might've worn as a little girl but here you make it look so ladylike. Great pictures!

TMFA said...

Lovely pics and yes I love those days! Unfortunately don't have them lately :(

Anonymous said...

I never use my head x> beautiful dress, cute dog <3

Dominica said...

these pics are so lovely and show us again, less is more !!
Perfect dress for a warm/breezy Summer afternoon ...

Anna said...

Hei! Tusen takk for tips, setter stor pris på det. Skal jeg være helt ærlig, gruer jeg meg noen ganger. Er litt redd for å ikke passe inn og slikt.. Men gikk du alle tre årene? Hva gjør du nå/skal gjøre videre? Jeg setter veldig pris på svar :)

Anna Bjoerdal said...


Haha takk, nå er jeg ihvertfall redd! Jeg er forberedt på at det blir MYE jobbing og lite fritid, men dette er noe jeg virkelig brenner for. Å sy, strikke, tegne og slikt kan jeg nogenlunde fra før, så håper det går greit. Er lærerene hyggelige og flinke? Ikke altfor nazi, håper jeg?

Anna said...


"ikke fører veldig langt"..?

Anna said...


humm.. hva med å jobbe i magasiner? Hva slags utdanning kreves til f.eks en stylistjobb i et magasin?

Anna said...


kom også inn på et motekonsulentstudie ved utdanningshuset, så nå får jeg vel bare sette meg ned og vurdere grundig. Tusen takk for nyttig info ;)

Damsels said...

this is a perfect summer look. i hae when bloggers try tocomplicate things. thats not what summer style is about
this is great its pretty its comfy its easy in the breeze :)

oh what a cute little dog !! that pic of him pawing at the end just kills me

X said...

Beautiful photos!

cocorosa said...

I loveeeee these!!!! <3 <3