Friday, January 1, 2010

Something to look forward to

Truth be told, 2009 wasn't my favourite year. Hehe..
I mean come on.. It was the year that MJ died. (!!!)
The year when I did everything I could to get well (if you didn't know allready I have ME), and thought it would work, but I didn't really get as much better as I had hoped. The year when I couldn't afford to go on holiday. The year the summer was too short (it always is though), and the winter too cold. The year I got to do some exciting things, but found out it was totally meaningless (like going to all the fashion shows and events, and ending up feeling like I'd rather just hang out with friends or familiy). The year when stuff in my personal life just didn't turn out the way I wanted, I guess you can say..
But now at the beginning of a new year, I realise that 2009 gave me a pretty good foundation to make 2010 so much better. I guess that's just the type of person I am, I have to try and fail a bit. So now I know what to do, and you better believe I'm going to have some serious fun in 2010! :) And so should you. Forget about going on a diet or finding the man of your dreams, getting the perfect job at Vogue or winning the lottery. Haha.. Just decide to make this new year really fun! I think we'll be able to do that, right?;)

Oh, and the pics are of The Dead Sea. It's the first thing I have to look forward to in 2010. I'm going to Israel in April, and already I'm about to die of excitement.

pics from google


anon said...

i love that attitude and i am insanely jealous!

Dominica said...

True, al things you've mentioned in your post. 2009 was a year soon to be forgotten, a bad end of a decade ... really !
I always wish everybody good health in the beginning of a new year ; all other things, you can steer into any way direction you is the most precious gift of all ...
Take care and make the most of 2010 !
XXX Dominica

amalie said...

oh well i think you're going to have an AWESOME 2010!

Cristi Silva said...

DUDE!! You outlook rocks!Yes I agree 2010 is all about fun! it is awesome that you have something to look forward to!

with most sicknesses, as I wach those I love move through them, I have noticed that attitudes like yours make more of the difference than anything that any doctor can do!! I hope you never get discuraged. YOU ARE AN INSERATION FOR MANY!!!! Me being one!

Karoline said...

Jeg er helt enig, 2009 var et helt ok år, men egentlig ikke et godt ett. Jeg bare ser frem til 2010 med stoor optimisme:D

Anonymous said...

Amazing as always

Cecilie said...

Jeg håper 2010 bilr året for deg =) Har en god følelse for det kommende året selv Ü Så spennende med tur til Israel, dit kunne jeg også tenkt meg å ta turen en gang =)

Cecilie said...

Jeg håper 2010 bilr året for deg =) Har en god følelse for det kommende året selv Ü Så spennende med tur til Israel, dit kunne jeg også tenkt meg å ta turen en gang =)

o said...

this is a great post:) i just love ur positive attitude and ur outlook for 2010! a trip to israel sounds so exciting:D wishing u all the best in 2010!:D