Finally the leaves are turning Orange!
I love it. Fall.. Crisp air and beautiful colours. I want to really feel it and enjoy it while it lasts. Soon there will be winter, cold and dark. But before that we get to watch this incredible performance of colours. One of my favourite things to do on days like this, is to take walks in the parks. Listen to the sound of leaves while stepping on them, and smell the fresh air. You know the fall smell right? I like that smell:)
This has been one of those good fall days. Tolk a walk in the park by the Royal Castle, before we went to see the annual fall exhibition (Høstutsillingen). I need to see it every year, it's this amazing art exhibition where different artists show their work. This year it was beyond amazing. It was exellent!
I'll show you some pics soon:)
I'm wearing jacket and scarf from Zara, DIY sweater, leggings from BikBok, hat and bag from H&M and boots from Via Vai.
Wow! I love your scarf and bag! Fringe and feathers! awesome!
heeey, you look so great, beautiful
loving the boots x
Lovely style Denoto!
LOVE the feathers and your fringe bag!!!
Love the whole color palate of this! Beautiful!
Nydelig som alltid ;)
Beautiful pictures, you look so great! And yes, the smell of fall is just amazing - unmistakable!
jeg digger høst jeg og!
kuult antrekk, liker skjerfet ditt!
Vakre bilder =) Liker detaljene i antrekket, spesielt fjær og frynser sammen Ü
Great look, I love your pictures!
Love the feathers! Cute outfit:)
you look so lovely ! i love the whole outfit :D
approved !! great look and beautiful lady !
Kjempe fine bilder, hva slags kamera bruker du? :)
Thanks for all the comments! :)
Sara: Jeg bruker Nikon D40:)
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