Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama- rama!

Welcome change!

Crowd reactions:


He had a dream.

And of course, some Obama styling...
Public Library at ShopStyle


Hanna said...

Åh, jeg vil ha Obama t-shorten! :D

Oloni said...

ahaha I must say the obama tshirt I love no where I culd find it thats totally hot!.. lol

Hek said...

The tee is from kitson, but it's sold out now...sorry, they had it a couple of days ago, but guess the Obama- rama has really taken off.

Gia said...

great that Obama won:)

Bibbi-Jeanette said...

Ja, jeg har faktisk sett den :)
Egentlig pleier jeg å inspireres av moteblader, men det blir utrolig ensformig...
Takk for tipset :)