ss 2010

Complex Geometries photographed by Jak & Jil
Complex Geometries is one of those brands that I really like. Not like "yeah..they do something cool every now and then", but more like "wow, they're always cool". Hehe, very analytically put.
This is actually in the category that I would be in if I were a designer (I think.. and hope..), when I was in fashion school I did clothes in a similar style to this. She said modestly...ehem. I'm far from genius like this though, but I do know how to make some draped-assymetrical-creative volumes type-pieces;) So since I haven't really been making clothes much these last years, it's very inspiring for me to see this. Cause it makes me feel like I might want to start letting my sewing machine do some work again.
Lately all I've been doing is simple stuff, like leggings and tops. For those of you who don't know, I've been struggling with health problems for a few years now, so that's why all of the designing has been put on a shelf. It's too much work, to be a designer is more than a full time job, it's a way of life. I don't have that much energy, and honestly..I do like to have a life. There's more to life than designing and sewing after all. So for now I'm not even dreaming about being a designer. But there's always room for a hobby:) And now I really feel like making myself something cool, maybe inspired by Complex Geometries?
Ps. You know you have seen the leggings before... Just saying. Mohaha..
I am dying over those pants in the first series.
Kjempe flott, og det var også antrekket du hadde med leggingsene..
jeg digger complex geometries. basis plagg , men ekstraordinære.
Complex and absolutely wonderful yes!!
åhjaaa de har så mye kult
dang....where do you find all these crazy sexy photos!!! i continue to love your daily posts.
digger den siste toppen! Skikkelig superhelt aktig! Som en kappe!
Opulently I agree but I dream the collection should secure more info then it has.
It was very interesting for me to read that blog. Thanks for it. I like such topics and everything connected to them. I definitely want to read more soon.
Pretty interesting site you've got here. Thanx for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to them. I would like to read a bit more soon.
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