Wednesday, December 10, 2008

When bloggers inspire the chain stores

Susie Bubble's got the power

Hvis du føler at du har sett disse buksene med slike tights under før, har du helt rett. Da jeg gikk forbi BikBok i dag måtte jeg bare stoppe opp og gå innom for å ta bilder av disse buksene.

If you feel like you have seen these jeans with just the same tights under before, you are absolutely right. When i was walking past BikBok (a Norwegian chain store) today I just had to go in and take these photos.

Ha ha, jeg visste jeg hadde sett dette før! På Susie Bubble! Jeg nekter å tro at det er tilfeldig, designerene på BikBok har sett dette på Stylebubble (Susie Bubble sin blogg), og rett og slett kopiert. Det tror jeg. Susie postet disse bildene 14. Oktober og to måneder senere er looken å finne i butikk. Jeg tror nok selveste Susie ville syntes det var mer gøy hvis det var en fancy designer som kopierte henne, men hei, det må da være kult å være så inspirerende at noen faktisk designer og selger klær som ligner på det hun har gjort. Susie Bubble, du har muligens blitt den norske kjeden BikBok sin muse! :)

Ha ha, i knew I had seen this before! On Susie Bubble! I refuse to belive it's a coincidence, the designers at BikBok must have seen this on Stylebubble (Susie Bubble's blog), and straight out copied it. That's what I think. Susie posted these pictures 14. October, and two months later the look is to find in stores. I do believe that Susie herself would think it was more fun if it was a fancy designer who copied her, but hey, it must be cool to be such an inspiration that someone actually designs and sells clothes that resembles things she has done, right? Susie Bubble, you might just have become the Norwegian chain BikBok's new muse! :)

Susie Bubble, from the fantastic blog Stylebubble. If you haven't seen her blog before, you need to check it out, it's truly amazing.

See Susie Bubble's reaction here.


Anonymous said...

OI.. tøft :D

Anonymous said...

Oh my god....that is hilarious....that is actually quite scary....

Anonymous said...

A copy of a copy?
Haha this is funny coz susie was copying the margiela jeans and now theyve copied her styling of her diy jeans :)

But seriously, THIS is the quality of items that you get at Norweigan CHAIN STORES?!
here in australia, the stuff you get in chain stores are mostly poorly made and definitely not cool enough to rip of a designer as wondeful as Margiela.
Note to self: Move to Norway

Ps. Lovely blog you've got going here! Must remember to add you to my bookmarks list.
Pps. You're pretty ;)

Anonymous said...

Omg, så tøft! :D Det må virkelig være en ære..

Pernille Tårnes said...

De buksene var egentlig ganske rå, ihvertfall på Susie. ^^

Kanskje de burde spurt først? Med mindre de faktisk har spurt om å få kopiere, ikke veit jeg. ;o

Gia said...

haha...this is so funny and in the same time serious,if they can copy a style from a blogger!
anyway the look is original:)

have a great time,always like your posts:)

Jamita said...

Hei, hei, du får min stemme;)

Anonymous said...

Hullete jeans og strømper har jo vært en trend i hele høst!Henger du etter?:p

Hek said...

Susie Bubble, I hope it doesn't freak you out too much;)

Tanya, if I were you and lived in Australia I would not move to Norway..he he, don't you guys have sun and stuff down there?
Thanks for the compliment!:)

Madeleine, you might want to read a post before you comment on it...

Inez Madeleine said...

Har stemt på deg som årets moteblogger! Får håpe du vinner :)

Anonymous said...

Cool ripped jeans!=D

Rita said...

Hehe, I'm still not too big on the ripped jeans trend. But I do have to say that, paired with those leggings, they do look quite brilliant.

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